2025 already? what the fuck.
estimated reading time: 2 - 3 min
first post of the year, huh? happy new year, i guess... and so, it’s 2025. how the hell did we get here? i swear it was just 2020 and we were all stuck in our shitty apartments, doomsrolling like there’s no tomorrow. people were cringe, but didn’t care. and in a blink of an eye, its somehow been five motherfucking years? where did the time go? it feels like it was only yesterday but it turns out it was a while ago?
time must be an illusion. time feels weird at times slower than its supposed to, at times much much faster. the year just started and billionaires and politicians are probably already giving false promises, while the rest of us are just trying to get through the day without crying. make it make sense.
but you know what? despite all the chaos, we’re still here, and we’re still fighting, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. like, yeah, life’s a mess, but maybe that’s just how it’s supposed to be right now? things aren’t perfect, never will be, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make them better. 2025 doesn’t have to be the year everything magically fixes itself, but maybe it can be the year we just decide to keep going, one tiny win at a time. maybe its just THE year we needed for the improvement. while we shouldn’t expect it to be a year where shit. fixes itself, it may as well be.
time really has a way of tricking you, huh? it’s like, “oh, hey, you’ve made zero progress but here’s another year to pretend you have your life together!” thanks, 2025, real sweet of you. honestly, if i can make it through today without losing my shit, i’ll count that as a win. and girl trust me, i barely keep my shit together. but that's just as usual.
but you know what? i think this year is about letting go of the whole "having it all figured out" thing. like, who the hell said that’s a requirement? maybe this should be the year people finally do shit at their own pace, rather than fulfilling others people’s expectations, rather than their own.let’s be real: i’m just a girl trying to make it through the day without accidentally setting something on fire. like by my age i should’ve had it figured out, but maybe it’s okay i dont. it could be the year i stop pretending to have the answers. and maybe, just maybe, you should, too.
but whatever. 2025 is here, and we’re just gonna keep pretending we know what the fuck we’re doing. and no, it is not up to a debate: you don’t know what tf you’re doing, if you say you do, you’re either good at acting, or a liar lol.
got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my
posted on: 2025-01-04 07:10 PM