riri’s webpage

a blinky image saying 'sleep deprived'

ai - scarier than i thought

estimated reading time: 3 - 4 min

this post contains my personal opinions based on what i've seen, and as such should not be taken as factual. the intention is not to harm, defame, or discredit any company, business, or individual, but simply to share opinions. also, things could've changed since this publication, and may no longer be relevant.

at this point, you've all seen others arguing how "ai is stealing from the artists". but some of you may be wondering how true this true this is? turns out scarily true. y'all know that dog "this is fine" meme, originating from k.c. green's gunshow comic #648 "the pills are working", right? watch what happens if explain it to the ai:

a screenshot of microsoft copilot asking for certain image to be generated

while not exact 1:1, the resamblance is uncanny. i've shared my finding on a discord server and yarrow overlapped them.

overlapping of the original with the ai generated

i've came to assumtion that training data is never actually deleted. it being this close to original, while ai is supposed to generate a new, never-seen image is simply uncanny at best, and terrifying at worst. okay, this may be a fluke, you may think. so i've recorded myself asking ai for this generation, again. the output is slightly different than what we've seen in the begining of this post, yet so very similar:

as you can see it wasn't a fluke. this is a real output, for the following promt "generate a drawing of a yellow dog sitting on a chair in a burning room with a cup on table, saying 'this is fine'". so, literally just describing the meme. i'd expect something abstract from the ai generator, but not almost exact copy of the original. how this doesn't cause copyright issues? i truly don't know.

if ai seemingly keeps training data in at least some form, does that also mean they keep and store everything you enter into a promt box? probably. despite them promising ai "doesn't remember", likely whatever you enter is used to further train the ia models, although liekly anonymized. is this ethical? i don't know, i dont think so.

i can't lie, i wasn't always against ai. in fact, i thought it's a cool technology that will help humanity, and to an extent i still want to belive in that. i even use generative ai for my own private use, i usually never share it online, the only exception will be this post. i didn't even know the intensity of ai's "theft" until today. i thought it at most stored some hashes, or some mathematical, computational bullshit. but generating an almost identical output to original, clearly shows otherwise.

while not against it initially, the point where ai is heading is truly scary to say the least. will humans be replaced? well, probably not. but-clearly, the wish of overly-rich funding those projects. it is still hard to say will the ai "craze" survive, or die out, having the same fate as nfts. ethically, ai could have huge moral and legal implications, considering "we" didn't stop at images, there are multiple video ai models in the works, which could potentially render video evidence issuficent.

why stop at images and videos, when you can generate music too? as some of you know, i come from the balkans. guess what, ai can generate our music too, even though it likely has limited training data, compared to the western music. take a listen to the ai song:

if you know balkan music, this is pretty accurate. the accent is off, but melody and lyrics definitely fit. i don't usually listen to "local" music but this definitely sounds accurate. i can totally see someone drinking to this! yes, this is ai generated. honestly, i am both scared and amazed what those tools can do. hypocritical, i know, but i do ocasionally make songs with this tool. idk, it is very interesting, don't blame me. but it definitelly can't and won't catch the feel real music gives. it's made by a machine, after all.

while i don't think ai will ever stop real creativity and passion, as time passes, it will be harder and harder to see the difference between ai and human content. i can promise you only one thing: all content on this website will always, no matter what, be human written.

got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my

posted on: 2024-10-04 12:28 AM