riri’s webpage

a blinky image saying 'sleep deprived'

i didn't abandon this website

estimated reading time: 1 - 2 min

some of you that have been following me through various sites i had, probably realize that sooner or later, i just jump ship. and you probably thought i've left once again... this time, however, that is not the case. i am alive and well, i simply don't have much of anything to blog about. but i think that's okay! blogs don't need to be updated that often, if you don't have anything to say, right?

to the few of you that actually care about me, or about my website, i just wanna say that i am well and alive. i've been trying to find a job, without much luck unfortunately. i hope i can find something decent. recently, i've been spending my time playing games and chatting on discord. to some, this may be a waste of time, but to me, its something i am used to.

also, about a week ago, i've made a simple game as proof-of-concept in two-to-three days. it is nowhere near finished, and i may take it to proper game engine when i have more time and develop it properly. canvas 2d and javascript are heavily inefficient. the game concept as it is, works, but not without flaws. for an example: movement with keyboard and with controller are different. for controller, the analog stick position is being read, while with keyboard the character is being moved by set amount. currently, i'm unsure how to match the speeds using javascript and canvas.

i don't have much more to say, this was just a small update to let you guys know that i am alive and that i didn't forget about my website, for once.

got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my

posted on: 2024-09-26 09:33 PM