i signed up for closed beta for a game
estimated reading time: 2 - 3 min
there is a new upcoming shooter game "fragpunk". i had signed in for the closed beta some time ago, and actually, somehow, got in. the first closed beta i ever got in, or first one as far as i recall.
here's a small clip i've recorded from that game:
as you can see im pretty fucking trash at this game lol. like girl, what is that aim? i've never been good at shooters. but hey there is a cute character and i just had to try her out. all and everything for this character. just look at herrrrr. can you really blame me for wanting to try her out?
from my understanding, the beta will end in a few days & they'll have global reset anyways. the game will come out eventually. idk i never reviewed games, so please dont take this as such i just wanna yap on my blog...
my actual opinions on the game
i think its mostly fine for now, but i feel like this will be one of those games meant to be fun, but will turn toxic really soon as people get more competitive. it gives me same vibes as overwatch and valorant, which i have both played before. the default controller controlls feels a bit janky to me, but they can be ajusted in the settings. i play(ed) on console so i'm not sure about the pc side.
think of this game as valorant with a twist. it's like FPS game that bends the rules. there are some card things that can change how the game goes. so every match feels different and fresh, even when its on the same map. excuse me for the lack of screenshots here, i forgot to take them xD
i actually think the game is really really cool, and has great potential to take off and becomes mainstream. i like the beforementioned idea of the cards that effect gameplay and everything. its fun, even tho im dogshit at it. if i employ the tactic of disabling comms when the game fully releases, i feel like it could be lots of fun. right now i'm fine with comms open, doesn't seem anyone really gives a fuck yet. which is good, in my opinion. where is the fun, if you take the game too seriosly?
the gun animations are really clean and sleek, and the weapon design is cool, honestly, prefer this over some other games. it feels different, yet already-seen, if it makes sense?
i enjoyed the little i played. even if i die way more than land a kill, this game has charm and is actually fun? can't wait to see where the devs take it! looking forward for a full release!
if you're looking to play yourself, you should be able get access via xbox insiders. i'm not sure about PC tho. you have until 21st to try it out!
got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my
posted on: 2024-10-16 03:58 AM