buying a laptop was a best decision i’ve ever made
estimated reading time: 2 - 3 min
yeah, yeah, you’ve read that right! quite an unpopular opinion in tech world; well, at least in the sphere of loud minority. but as you’ve already learned—i don’t care what some stupid motherfuckers think. like, sure, desktops are technically better. but they’re bulky and stationary. want to enjoy yourself on bed, on the floor? well tough luck! you have to sit in that dumbass chair if you want to use your computer... but with laptops on the other hand, you can use your computer wherever you fancy, wherever you find it comfy. so, tell me, how that isn’t an advantage!? and sure, i hear some of you scream: “but what about gaming?”. buddy, i mainly play on an xbox. and a few games i do play on my computer work quite nicely on my 13th gen i3’s integrated graphics. if your expectations aren’t high, it doesn’t take a lot to be happy and satisfied with things.
the main issue is techbro youtubers flashing the cutting-edge high-end tech. you do not need all that shit. sure, some of that shit is hella cool and nice to have, and don’t get me wrong: i would absolutely love to have some beefy ass monster pc with shitton of rgbs, 3 monitors, and all that fancy stuff. but even if i ever get comfortable enough to be able to afford something like that, i would still love to have a laptop too alongside it.
i, myself, was personally against laptops too, guided by the “common” opinion, so i am unsure how and why i actually ended up getting a laptop, but all i can say is that i was wrong about laptops, and buying one was the best decision i've ever made. they're so comfortable, especially for someone like me, who finds comfort in weird positions. there are only a few ways you can sit in a chair without breaking it, but if you’re not bound to the chair, then that’s an entirely different story! it might be “optimal” but a desktop and the chair is also very restrictive. what if i wanna do shit on the couch but i don’t wanna use my phone, well i'm fucked. what if i'd like to be on my computer when im in the kitchen? well, unless i feel like moving the tower, again, tough luck.
ok take look at this
this is a picture i took in my bed not too long ago. its comfortable as fuck. cosy, nice, relaxing. can your desktop do this? thought as much..
all my life i had a desktop computer, and honestly, i don’t think they have a massive advantage, unless, obviously, you need it for serious work, or for gaming. for all the casual stuff, and even some light gaming i definitely think laptop is a better deal. especially if you like getting comfy and not being bound to that damn ass chair lol. laptops are so much more convenient, and they’ve come a long way in terms of performance. sure, desktops might still have the edge for power users, but for most people? laptops are all you really need. it’s the little things. and all of this comes from someone who actually loves the technology, computers, and everything. so you be the judge.
so, yeah, at the end of the day, it really comes down to what works best for you. desktops have their perks, but for the casual stuff, a laptop just makes life easier. more freedom, less hassle—pretty much a win-win. especially for someone as lazy as me hehe
got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my
posted on: 2025-01-27 12:41 AM