linux is not your sacred os
estimated reading time: 2 - 3 min
get ready for another spicy meatball from yours truly. i get it, some of y’all linux nerds think your terminal commands and 10-hour gentoo installs make you the fucking elon musk of operating systems. cool. but let’s cut that bullshit where it begins. linux is great only in 3 cases—if you’re trying to host a server, cosplay a hacker, or are an actual hacker. the rest of us just wanna do our shit without debugging every tiny little shit. sure, linux desktop has come a long way but i still wanna deal with the least amount shit possible. don’t get me wrong, this fucking website runs on goddamn linux, i don’t hate linux; i just think it sucks as a desktop os.
first off: windows emulation on linux still fucking sucks. yeah, i said it. whatcha gonna do about that? wine? sorry, i meant ‘whine’? lol. whine, because that’s what you’ll be doing after spending three days trying to run a .exe that works flawlessly even on my shitty computer from 2014, letalone my new laptop. proton? sure, it’s better, but why the fuck am i jumping through hoops just to play a game that runs natively on windows without just wanting to fucking hit my head to a wall, and keep hitting until i literally fucking bleed out to death. and sure, in my case you may argue that i have a fucking xbox, but there are still shit that only works on a computer.
oh, and speaking of games: anticheat software will fucking ban you for existing while penguin-pilled. try loading up any popular esports title and you’ll be hit with a “nah fam, you’re clearly hacking” auto-ban because their kernel-level spyware can’t parse linux’s existence. yeah anticheats are basically spyware. so them not being able to run may be a good thin for you lol. you also may argue “b-b-but some games work!” yeah, and some politicians aren’t corrupt. good fucking luck relying on that.
“but it’s free software!” cool. is your time also free? because sure as hell i don’t have enough time and will power to maintain that shit. running a server is enough. why the fuck would i want that on my personal computer as well? i’m not trying to run a fuckin server out of my fucking computer—i don’t want my laptop to turn into a space heater made out of existential dread.
windows ain’t perfect. it’s bloated. it updates at the worst fucking times. but here’s the kicker: shit just works. need to install photoshop? double-click. plug in a random printer made before you’re even born? it’ll probably still work. wanna cry over slow internet instead of crying over dependency errors? windows has your back.
meanwhile, linux users out here acting like it’s a moral failing to use an os that isn’t opensource and that just works. “oh, just use the terminal!” no. i don’t wanna “just” do anything. i wanna click a button and have my shit work, not praying to lord that some open-source dev fixed the driver issue of the year. i wish terminal worked in real life, then i just could do `dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda` against your brain and remove all of that fucking elitism.
don’t even get me started on the “privacy” flex. yeah, windows tracks you. so does your phone, your smart tv, your isp, the government, etc. if you’re that paranoid, maybe stop posting shit on the internet and go live in a bunker and off-grid. linux is a tool. a great one! for specific things! but stop pretending it’s the second coming of christ for everyone. most of us just wanna exist in peace, not join a cult filled with elitism.
so yeah, keep your sacred os. i’ll be over here, being able to use my computer as god intended.
got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my
posted on: 2025-01-29 05:07 PM