riri’s webpage

a blinky image saying 'sleep deprived'

my hypocritical rebrand

estimated reading time: 0 - 1 min

the few of you that actually read my posts probably resized that this website is now redirected to “riri.my” from previous .click and .com domains. and in one of my previous posts i advised against cctlds if you're not from that country. so this may rub you as hypocritical. however, in my defense, i was mostly pissed at .io potentially going away. it's not like the whole country of malaysia will disappear over night. that shit just doesn’t happen!

why even rebrend?

the blog is relatively young so rebrands don’t hurt much. also, riri is my “proper” nickname and the previous thing was just my handle on some platforms. riri is, well, riri—my nickname. meanwhile .my, in my case stands for “myself”, as this is a personal site. i’ll try my best to keep renewing the .com one, too, to prevent linkrot (but no promises)

got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my

posted on: 2024-10-19 01:22 AM