riri’s webpage

a blinky image saying 'sleep deprived'

no FUCKING RSS — not here

estimated reading time: 2 - 3 min


some people may prefer reading over RSS, some people like to include it in their websites, but i say no fucking way.

okay tell me why in the holy fuck should i drive traffic AWAY from my own fucking website? sure, you may get a notification on your phone or a computer, hell even your terminal if you’re that kinda nerd. but you reading it through your feed reader doesn’t give my website actual traffic. all it essentially is your shitty piece of software constantly asking my server “hey any updates to that shitty XML file yet?” like that annoying kid not even their parents love.

you care about my shit? wanna read my shit. you come HERE, right now, read shit you’re interested about and you go about your life. let’s stop bloody pretending we live in 2000s and RSS is actually useful! because it isn’t.. your internet is no longer held up with a couple of rubber bands and paperclips. at least it shouldn’t be. if you actually can’t load a simple webpage, that is not my problem, so don’t let me started on how i’d potentially be an asshole for not being accessible. let’s be completely honest here, if you’re actually in a bad environment, not being able to access my shit is the least of your fucking concerns.

like seriously it actually pisses me off how personal websites are “supposed” to implement all those dead technologies, almost no one cares about. “webrevival“ my ass. the web has never died. We’re just having resurgence of personal websites and blogs, which is cool, and i genuinely think more people should get into.

and oh don't get me started how some of your motherfuckers make mobile-hostile designs, with shit breaking on mobile. again this isn’t 2000, we shouldn’t need PCs to acess the internet. i hate those motherfuckers almost as much as i hate RSS! and here i’m not shaming beginners or bad coders, i'm proud of you guys. im talking here about people doing it on purpose. you absolutely CAN make web1.0-esque sites look decently on mobile.. if you know how to break it on purpose, you surely know how to make it work lol.

let’s say i do cave in, what do I get from it? sure more people *might* read my shit, but my website won’t get any traffic from it. i know we’re “not supposed“ to care about traffic in this "indieweb“ world, or whatever, but I care. and if you want to shame me for it, simply fuck off. this is MY space! and oh, having a crawable, easily parsable file by bots and llms is totally a good idea, totally. i loooove potentially feeding the ai! oh what a joy!! not that they can’t crawl my page directly, but i hope the jackasses respect robots.txt...

alright, maybe just maybe there are the advantage of offline reading but honestly, if you care about that, just take screenies..

while no one asked, yet, i just don’t hope anyone bothers to ask anyways. i do things my way, and if you like the things they are, you will stay, if not, you can go away..

got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my

posted on: 2024-12-13 07:59 PM