riri’s webpage

a blinky image saying 'sleep deprived'

why the FUCK do i cuss so much

estimated reading time: 1 - 2 min

i’m sure you’ve noticed almost every page on this website has some amount of profanity. why the fuck is that. simple answer — unprofessionalism. i don’t want to be perceived as professional, or even mature, not on this website at least.

But if you asked me on a deeper level... I don’t really know. i kinda like cussing. i know it’s trashy and possibly even repulsive, but don’t lie to me: you— you, cuss, too. everyone does. fucking hell, even five year olds do!

don’t get me wrong... i *could* write this up with proper grammar and beautifully constructed sentences, but that would feel kinda... dishonest, wouldn’t it? proper language is giving corpo. we don’t fuck with corpos here. by we, i mean i don’t. you— do whatever the fuck you want. however, i’d still advise you against using corpo-esque language. this is personal web, for crying out loud!

and maybe, just fucking maybe, you may argue that there are some unwritten rules that dictate that i should still sound at least somewhat “mature“, or polished. but guess what? rules are retarded, especially implied ones lol.

if any of this offends you, you realize how fucking easy is it to click off?

so to conclude: i cuss because i fucking can!

or to spell it out, profanity = anti establishment. this blogpost, and to an extent my whole website is a manifesto for personal freedom and being against heavily sanitized, corporate digital spaces.

got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my

posted on: 2024-11-04 11:51 PM