why web3 is still a fucking bullshit
estimated reading time: 4 - 5 min
while i may have mildly positive feelings about ai, while still thinking it quite scary, you might think im chill with web3 as well. but hell no. that is something i absolutely fucking despise. so, let’s fucking talk about it!
web3. blockchain. nfts. fake promises of decentralized utopia. it’s the same recycled bullshit cryptobros have been shoving down our throats for years. and guess what? it’s still a steaming pile of overhyped, undercooked bullshit.
you bought house-priced monkey png a few years ago. cool. now it’s worth a half-eaten sandwich, left to rot behind a dumpster by a homeless man. that surely was a good investment, right? right? im totally not trying to be sarcastic or anything! web3’s entire ecosystem is built on one principle: separing fools from their money. from rug pulls to pump-and-dump schemes, it’s a paradise for con artists. watching billions vanish overnight is surely unsettling. that money could’ve been put for the good of this world, or hell you could’ve kept it for yourself like every other rich asshole. but no, you put it in a clear dubious, not properly regulated money laundering scheme. fuck all of that. if you by any chance think web3 is a good thing, or that i would support it, you’re on the wrong blog, buddy. you cryptobros are like “but it’s the future of ownership!” no, it’s the future of getting owned. chances of you making an actual return are lower than winning the fucking lottery.
the “technology” is killing the fucking planet
look, im not an environmentalist, hell, im not even someone you should look up to, in this sphere at all. i suck at caring about planet. i don’t turn off my lights, i don’t use the heating sparingly, i don’t give a shit about my own carbon footprint, as long as i am comfortable. but this whole web3 bullshit is a whole other ordeal.
the environmental impact of crypto mining is a goddamn travesty. so thank fuck that is no longer really profitable. you’re not killing the planet, and you’re not taking the graphics cards from people who would actually fucking use them!
existing web3 bullshit alone uses more energy than entire countries, all to solve imaginary problems like “decentralized banking”, or whatever the fuck else some of y’all convinced yourself into. if you’re so paranoid about your money being tracked, or being in banks, what did you do to have such worry? you’re so obviously not in the clear. besides, if you’re so worried about your money, you could always do what slavic grandmas did in the 80s and 90s, simply “hide” it in your bedding.
nobody actually uses this shit
name one web3 app you use daily. go ahead. i’ll wait. exactly. the only ““people”” using web3 are fucking retards that have convinced themselves that this is the future, con artists, scammers, and elon musk fanboys. the rest of us have shit to do, even if the “shit” is bedrotting and playing video games, and quite literally don’t have time to “decentralize”, web3’s grand vision? replacing functional tech with broken, convoluted alternatives that require a multi-step tutorial to get it to work properly. and it is still more broken than the “proper” web. it seems like there was a shift from cyrpto/nft towards “normal” services on blockchain. what retard would host their website or an app on blockchain and pay massive gas fees to get shit working, while giving their users a shittier experience compared to if it was a goddamn normal webpage!?
it’s just capitalism with extra steps
doesn’t need an explanation.
“decentralization will democratize the internet!”. web3 isn’t decentralization, hosting your own shit is. but most of you monkey-buyers barely know how to open a web browser; while claiming you’re a tech guru. and to the developers: get some help. you’re wasting your talents for a bubble that will burst, and not only burst, it’ll go nuclear. and sure, you may still argue web3 is decentralization. because what we really needed was to replace google and facebook with is unregulated crypto bullshit that does the same shit, owned by some rich asshole. so, in the end, not really decentralized, huh? web3 isn’t a revolution—it’s silicon valley’s midlife crisis. the same power structures exist, except now they’re hidden behind opaque pseudo-anonymity.
will some regular people get rich? absolutely. the same way some people win the lottery. but don’t confuse luck with innovation.
the culture is toxic as fuck.
web3 stans are the vegans of tech. how do you spot a cryptobro? don’t worry he will tell you himself! they won’t shut up about it, even as their “community” collapses into infighting, racism, and ponzi schemes. remember the bored ape “metaverse” yacht party back in 2022? of course, you don’t—because it was a sad, fever dream attended by 12 people and a bot named ilovefatdicks69.
the ”use cases” have better alternatives.
why do we need nfts for concert tickets? we don’t. prints and qr codes exist. why do we need crypto to buy coffee? we don’t. just use your phone’s tap-to-pay like a normal fucking human. web3’s entire pitch is inventing problems to justify its existence. it’s like selling a flamethrower to someone who asked for a lighter.
it’s a cult of delusion
the web3 crowd’s mantra? “we’re early!”. yeah, early to this rug pull! you’re gonna make a rich asshole, even richer! good on you!
tl;dr: web3 is a pyramid scheme wrapped in a buzzword burrito. the only thing decentralized here is your hopes and dreams, after you’ve lost thousands on a fake promise of easy financial security.
got more to say? email me: hi[at]riri[dot]my
posted on: 2025-02-03 01:33 AM