riri’s webpage

a blinky image saying 'sleep deprived'

heeey, fuckers! this is what i’m up to right now. no corporate bullshit, no sugarcoating.
last update: JAN-2025

so here’s what’s in for riri’s brainrot xd


unemployed as fuck. NEET lyf baby!



blog brainrot

thoughts per second: too many. coherent ones? none ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
drafts folder: a graveyard of half-finished rants, shitposts, and ideas that may or may not ever see the light of day
writing process: 5% inspiration, 5% energy drinks, 90% procrastination (nah make that 100%)

personal chaos

cat-like behavior: napping, judging strangers online, and making random noises when noone is listening

what i’m NOT doing

apologizing for swearing: fuck this. fuck that. fuck you. fuck life. fuck everything
chasing nostalgia: not making my site look like a geocities relic
babysitting whiners: if you’re offended, cry harder. i don’t fucking care

current mood

mood: not depressed, not happy, not sad. i exist.
listening to: hyperpop and experimental brainrot on repeat. why can’t i be normal?
watching: currently nothing
venting about: TBD, but something will piss me off soon enough

stay loud, stay messy, and for fuck’s sake, stop asking for dark mode 😭