riri, myself > ᨓ<
heeeey, i’m rina or riri! this is just my silly webpage on da interwebz
so, why don’t you explore? click around for a bit!! well, if you’re sensitive to crude language, maybe don’t.
if you’re too young for the internet & haven’t seen the word ‘fuck’, well, now you have. lol. whatcha gonna do about that? go cry to your mamma? have a couple more f-bombs: fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. if this website was a TV series, there goes my PG 13 rating lol.
this website is fucking bold, unapologetic, and unrestrained in its expression. i say whatever, however. this website isn’t striving to be polite or appropriate. for an example, if you think the paragraph above this one is going too far, leave. now.
fair warning: this website is ran by an adult meant for mature audiences. depending on your residence that may mean 18+, or 21+. whether you’re younger or not, you’re responsible for your own comfort and safety. while i’d like to welcome everyone, the target audience is other adults, mostly because the language used. no actual NSFW or “fully” adult content will ever be posted. ’cause why the fuck should i post porn on here!? i don’t vibe with that. if you’re one of those who think warnings are bullshit— i don’t actually give a fuck, be my guest, then: just don’t say you haven’t been warned! btw, if you’re a parent and your child stumbbled upon this page, and now they use foul language, that’s entirely on YOU. be a better parent, or don’t, i don’t give a fuck either way. but seriously, watch yo kids, i’m no babysitter. but if you’re looking forward to file a complaint— go fuck yourself, motherfucker. this is my website, you don’t get to tell me what to do! there are countless squeaky clean websites, this one isn’t, and that’s kinda the point.
and oh, don’t ask me for darkmode, you’re not getting it.