riri’s webpage

a blinky image saying 'sleep deprived'

about me & this website

unlike my many other websites in the past, i won't bore you telling you too much about myself, and i wont bore you how old internet was better and similar, because quite frankly, who the fuck cares!?

my name is rina, or simply, riri. i'm a nerd and a dumbass cat. i was born in 1998 and grew up in serbia, where i still currently live. i'm very passionate about technology, computers, servers, all that nice stuff! i have a lot to learn still about both tech and life in general, sometimes it all feels like its too much, but i'm hanging in there :) i have been into technology since i was a kid, even before having my own computer! growing up, we didn't have much money, but my parents always tried their best, and sometimes beyond their capabilities. i was around 8 years old when i got my first computer. even at that time, that computer was quite lowend, but it was my computer, and that's all that mattered.

fun fact: i like hoodies... a bit too much... especially if the sleeve covers my entire hand like this

a close-up of a hand partially covered by a black sleeve resting on a pastel pink and white keyboard.

being the part of the many indie webdev communities, i always felt pressured to hate the social media, modern platforms, and similar. everyone always seemed to make their websites look straight out from 1990-2000s, and i felt i had to do the same, to get visits and shit. but what's the fun in that, being just another, already-seen website!? on none of my past projects was i true to myself; i did what i thought others would like (except my past blogposts themselves), even when i pretended that is not the case. i understand being nostalgic about now-lost times, but we can't be stuck in the past. modern web can be beautiful, too. truth be told, i believe i was born in the right generation. i fucking love the internet, social media, and all the brainrot that comes with it! [internet is fucking awesome]

so what's the point of this website?

similar to my previous endeavours; this will just be my personal blog. just less holding back and stuff. because fuck what anyone else thinks :)


riri.my, or its owner are not affiliated with Riri Group (Riri S.A.), or any other entity, company, or organization, with the same or similar name. This is an independently run project, blog, and personal website